
Scarlet Road is primarily a volunteer run organization, therefore your dollars go directly to supporting women who need support and help. Your financial donation is the bread and butter that provide lasting solutions for girls wishing to exit the sex industry. They allow us to cover our general operating costs as well as allow Scarlet Road to help cover vital costs for our girls to move forward.


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Scarlet Road is fueled by our volunteers. We cannot grow our programs and reach into the community without the help of a strong team of unified volunteers. You can volunteer your time in a variety of ways that will help us reach women and youth and help bring them to freedom. Depending on your time and ability we have a variety of volunteer opportunities.




Knowledge is power. Today we are facing an issue that is not new by any means but we have the ability to minimize the exploitation that happens in our small community. Our community can impact other community and before you know one person’s dedication can change a town, state, or nation.


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