Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
If you work for the Federal Government, you can give to Scarlet Road directly through your paycheck!
Search by our CFC # 49560
Financial Giving
Give online, over the phone or by mail by either calling 360-850-9718 or mailing a check to PO Box 378, Bremerton, WA 98337
Purchase Swag!
Shirtify, local business and a Scarlet Road Freedom Partner, makes swag items with the Scarlet Road logo!
And they give 10% of the purchase to Scarlet Road. So by purchasing a new insulated tumbler or hoodie, you are also supporting local victims of sexual exploitation!
Church Partner
How can you get involved? Sunday tithe? Monthly partner? Would you like us to speak at a Bible Study or Sunday morning service? We would love to connect! Email Pam at
Give Supplies
Do you love shopping? We can use donations of client and office supplies! Contact us at for a current list of our tangible needs.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
You are now able to link your Rewards Card with your favorite nonprofit. Whenever you are shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping us earn a donation from Fred Meyer! Just login and go to the Community Rewards tab on the left. See below for an example: